
Businesses who need to regularly capture address data use Addressable to:

There are no onerous licensing restrictions, unlike the Google Places Autocomplete service, which limits what you can fetch, store and how you use it .

We use open data from official government sources and those cost savings are reflected in our low subscription prices.

Our servers are located in AWS Sydney to provide fast and reliable service to our local customers.

Our clients range from local business, government agencies to publicly listed organisations.

Addressable is fast, low cost and easy to integrate.


Prefer OpenAPI 3.0 spec? Use Swagger UI or Redoc


Description: Lookup possible addresses that match the partial address query value. 4-6 numbers and characters is typically enough to identify an address.

Endpoint: https://api.addressable.dev/v2/autocomplete

HTTP Method: GET

Parameter Description Example Required
q The address query string. Can be a partial address 220 Queen St Auc Yes
country_code The ISO 3166 Country Code. Accepted: [AU, NZ] NZ Yes
api_key Your API Key. Available upon free registration O3xtxU8vlJ8M9hsTVD-6_g Yes
type A comma separated list of field types. Accepted: [number, street, locality]. Filters results to include only the types specified. Example usage: use the "street" filter to only include one result for each street, and exclude street-number-granularity results. Example usage: use the "locality" filter when running autocomplete for a suburb form field to exclude street or number results. Default will search all field types. street,locality No
max_results Maximum number of results to return. Must be an integer from 1 to 10. Default: 5. 10 No

Successful response:

[{ "street_number": "214-220", "street": "Queen Street", "locality": "Auckland Central", "city": "Auckland", "region": "Auckland", "postcode": "1010", "meshblock": "0437101", "lon": 174.765469, "lat": -36.849304, "formatted": "214-220 Queen Street, Auckland Central, Auckland" }]

Output fields for each result:

NZ: street_number street locality city region postcode meshblock lon lat formatted

AU: building_name unit_details street_number street locality region postcode meshblock lon lat formatted

Sample GET query:


Sample cURL code:

curl "https://api.addressable.dev/v2/autocomplete?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY&country_code=NZ&q=220+Queen+Auc"

CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is enabled on the API endpoints so you can use the service from your javascript application.

JSFiddle Example 1: CoreJS Autocomplete


Description: Check identity or subscription expiry

Endpoint: https://api.addressable.dev/v2/profile

HTTP Method: GET

Parameter Description Example Required
api_key Your API Key. Available upon free registration O3xtxU8vlJ8M9hsTVD-6_g Yes

Successful response

{"email":"[email protected]","subscription_expires_on":"2000-01-01"}

Sample GET query


Sample cURL code

curl "https://api.addressable.dev/v2/profile?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY"

Possible Error Responses:

HTTP Code Response
{"errors":[{"error_type":"request","message":"API key invalid"}]}
{"errors":[{"error_type":"request","message":"Rate limit exceeded"}]}


Addressable lookups use open data from official government sources which are regularly updated, from quarterly in Australia to weekly in New Zealand. Our automated data processing systems ensures the latest data is available to you within days.

New data is constantly being added from new construction, subdivision and data quality improvements. Since starting Addressable in 2016 we have seen year on year growth of unique address records, in both Australia and New Zealand, of >1% per year which means millions of new addresses added in that time.

See our transparent history of data updates and data source attribution


Requests from a free account are rate limited to 100 per calendar day (UTC timezone).

With a valid subscription, you can use up to 30,000 requests per day. No setup costs, cancel any time, not for resale. Accounts are upgraded instantly upon payment. Payment is available from your account page .

Subscriptions can be monthly, 6-monthly or annual. Longer term commitments are discounted. Multiple currencies supported. All subscription options are available from your account page .

Region 1 month 6 months 12 months
New Zealand $98 $438 $672
Australasia $248 $1101 $1696
Region 1 month 6 months 12 months
New Zealand $90 $402 $618
Australasia $227 $1011 $1558


We've been building enterprise web applications since 1999, ordering geospatial data back when it arrived in the post on CD.
We built our first geocoder to power New Zealand's largest open-content business directory Zenbu
In 2015 Addressable was rebuilt from scratch to leverage the latest open source technology for blazing fast search.
We love web APIs and geodata. [email protected]